Supply and waste disposal lines for the "Papa Rhein" wellness hotel

The employees of Eiffage Infra-Südwest had a workplace with a beautiful view of the Rheingau region while constructing the supply and waste disposal lines as well as the outdoor facilities with parking spaces for the wellness hotel called "Papa Rhein" in Bingen.

Wellness Hotel Papa Rhein


Jan Bolland

Project volume

EUR 1,1 million

Construction time

June 2020 - August 2020

The construction site presented a number of challenges, as the interior finishing of the hotel was also taking place at the same time and other contract work sections required storage space and room.

Günther Marquardt, foreman at Eiffage Infra-Südwest, had to "conquer" the construction site every morning. Especially when the interior was finished, the team had to defend their space on the construction area against 200 mattresses, televisions, shower cubicles or even hundreds of chairs. In addition, there was a "pre-opening phase" of the hotel. This means that guests were already allowed to check in, although not all areas were completely finished – this included the outdoor facilities.

In the entrance area, a pavement surface was imprinted into the asphalt. This "streetprint" process is not commonplace.

In this case, the job was completed under difficult conditions, as it was of course necessary to be considerate of guests in terms of noise and dust. In August 2020, the project was successfully completed and the client, for whom Eiffage Infra-Südwest has already realized other projects, once again delivered a great result.