Isental motorway A94

Design, construction, financing, operation and maintenance



Federal Republic of Germany

Project volume

EUR 1.1 billion

Construction time

2016 – 2019

Maintenance / Operation

2016 – 2046 / 2019 – 2046

The project A94 Forstinning–Marktl comprises a newly constructed four-lane, approximately 33-km section between Pastetten and Heldenstein, carried out by the consortium of the Eiffage Infra-Bau Group, BAM and Berger Bau. The task also includes the maintenance of a further 44 kilometres of the existing A94 motorway and – from the completion date of the new section in the 4th quarter of 2019 – the operation of the 77-km Forstinning–Marktl section over a 30-year period.